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Celebrating World Parasite Awareness Day

BovineCompanion AnimalsEquineInsightsOvineParasitesWorms

World Parasite Awareness Day on Thursday the 20th of March 2025 is an occasion to highlight of the importance of parasites and the impact on the environment, and human and animal health. These microscopic organisms that can live in or on the bodies of animals and plants and can result in a range of health problems and conditions.

Parasites are organisms that live in or on another host organism and rely on it for nourishment and survival, there are several types of parasites including:


Single celled organism that can live in intestines bloodstream and other parts of the body, example include Coccidia (which causes coccidiosis) and Giadria (which cause giardiasis).


Multicellular organisms are often referred to as worms. These can include Roundworm, Flatworms and Flukes that can infect organs such as the intestines, lungs, and liver. 


These parasites live on the skins or hair of the host such as fleas, mites and ticks.

Parasitic infection in animals can present in different symptoms from asymptomatic, fatigue, weight loss, changes in appetite, and stomach issues including bloating pain and diarrhea. Parasites can be transmitted in various ways such as :

  • Through other animals, by coming into contact with infected animals or their waste and is common in populated areas such as kennels or farms.
  • From the environment, fleas ticks and some worms can be picked up by grassy areas like pastures.
  • Through contaminated food and water, some internal parasites like giardia and roundworm can be ingested by the animal when eating and drinking.

The Micron Kit is the only tool you need to rapidly run GI worm & fluke FEC tests in cattle, sheep and horses. Testing your animals regularly for Worms and Fluke infections using the Micron Kit allows for the awareness, prevention of illness and management of your animals health. Test animals for worms like never before with rapid, automated results straight to your phone and advanced analytics of parasite infections and trends. With Micron Kit, test animals then treat to avoid and monitor medication resistance and help save your clients time and money. 

Our Insights

Our insights look at how parasite control is handled within Ireland and how the agricultural industry has become dependent on medicating as a preventive measure.

We aim to combat medicating as a preventative measure and publish informative content to help farmers and vets medicate cattle in the future.

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